Tailored leadership challenge
Middle leaders are the conduit for success. Without highly motivated, highly skilled, and high performing middle leaders, school improvement stalls.
Educational outcomes require investment into those charged with the responsibility of leading the work. (Middle leaders)
This challenge provides a comprehensive professional learning cycle to not only build capabilities of middle leaders but inspire them to be even better.
Target Audience
Middle leaders often balance classroom teaching responsibilities alongside their leadership roles. For some, it is a pathway towards becoming a school principal, for others it is a career goal. Some examples of the target audience include:
Heads of Department
Assistant Principals
Year level coordinators -
Learning Area Leaders
Stage coordinators -
Knowledgeable others
Heads of Curriculum -
Pedagogical coaches
Head of student welfare or wellbeing
Information technology managers
Learning specialist Master -
Experienced teachers
Professional Learning Timeframe
The Tailored Leadership Challenge is designed to be a two-year professional learning cycle that skills
middle leaders in all essential components of school leadership, while coupling the learning with
practical school context leadership challenges. -
The challenge is broken into eight modules. One module is scheduled to be conducted each term.
Graduation occurs following the completion of all eight modules. -
All modules are short and sharp – a total of 1 hour per module. They can be scheduled in a time that
best suits the timetabling structure of any school. -
A school may use the option to tailor their leadership development program by selecting modules that best suit their schools journey.
If schools require a twelve month Professional Learning cycle, Tailored Leadership Solutions can collaboratively design this for you.
Learning Delivery Model
The Tailored Leadership Challenge is based on the theory of adult learning and will not only provide ongoing professional learning and cognitive challenge but will hold participants to account for progressing their leadership challenge and providing a ten weekly progress update to the whole group of participants.
Homework, including pre- and post-readings, will form part of the challenge, with clear expectations on all participants to fully engage in all elements of the challenge. Collecting and presenting evidence of impact will be an essential requirement for all participants. The strength of this program is that it will be school based, school focused and not an extra.
It will be the work of a high performing middle leader. All modules will be conveniently delivered via Teams or Zoom thus reducing time away from core business hours and unnecessary TRS costs.
Leadership Challenge Modules (Generic)
Module 1: Understanding leadership styles and my own leadership beliefs and practices.
Module 2: How to gain clarity in leading and establishing a Tailored Leadership Challenge.
Module 3: How to be a high performing leader and build a High Performing Team.
Module 4: How to establish and foster a culture of collaboration.
Module 5: How to develop self and others.
Module 6: How to establish and nurture data driven decision making.
Module 7: What really is equity and excellence and how to achieve it.
Module 8: Celebrating and bringing it all together.
There are further modules that can be accessed through the unique tailoring format offered by Tailored Leadership Solutions. Other modules include:
Module 9: Leading through difficult times – staying the course.
Module 10: How to have difficult conversations.
Module 11: Balance is Best – Keeping that fine line of workplace and professional balance.
Module 12: Preparations for that next job – interview and application success strategies.
Module 13: How to be supportive and hold the line at the same time.
Module 14: Creating a performance and accountability culture.
Module 15: How to de-escalate the already escalated.
Tailored Leadership Solutions prides itself on being nimble and responsive to your needs. If other focus areas are required for the development of the middle leaders, individual modules can be developed. This truly enables tailoring of professional learning to your individual contexts.
The Tailored Leadership Challenge (TLC) modules align to the soon to be released Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Middle Leaders Standards. (April 2024)
The leadership requirements are enacted through the AITSL five key professional practices:
1. leading teaching and learning
2. developing self and others
3. leading improvement, innovation, and change
4. leading the management of the school
5. engaging and working with the community
These professional standards are a tool to provide clarity about effective leadership to help these leaders improve their impact and develop their leadership capacity.
All participants who complete the modules, and satisfy the requirements of their leadership challenge, will receive a GRADUATION CERTIFICATE. This certificate will certify the number of professional learning hours attended and will validate the completion of the in school practical application. This in school application certification will require the principal’s endorsement.
If interested, use our contact page, and a full proposal and breakdown of investment values will be emailed to you.
"The crew were buzzing after the session and clearly feel the time with you was a positive value add. You’ve definitely tipped a good amount of accelerant onto each of their flames and I can feel a renewed sense of energy in terms of their willingness to accept and utilise their leadership qualities." (QLD Australia School)